Get more out of your personal and professional life.

The starting point is exploration. Curiosity. A different way of questioning. A different way of noticing. A different way of being with oneself, others and the world around oneself. I work with individuals, teams and groups. I have a particular passion for emerging leaders.

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Life Coaching & Restorative Retreats for Individuals

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  • Enneagram Coaching

    ICF Accredited

    I subscribe to the Narrative tradition. The Narrative Enneagram integrates psychology, spirituality and somatics. Through this work, I form part of a community whose mission is to transform lives — mine and those of others, to create a more compassionate world. The Enneagram transformed me and continues to surprise, delight and sometimes shock me into a deeper “awake” state of being. It is this experience and the endless tools, techniques and methods that I have at my disposal that I bring into my coaching for the benefit of my clients.

  • Integral Coaching

    ICF Accredited

    I help individuals and teams “come back home”. With the Integral Coaching tools, I work with the “whole” human being, in a gentle and compassionate manner, helping them to become aware and accepting of their unconscious patterns. We then work together to decide on a way forward to learn new ways of showing up through practice.

  • Results Coaching

    ICF Accredited

    As a certified coach in the Results Coaching System™, I help individuals and teams set wildly improbable, yes, wildly improbable, yet attainable goals. Through the system, I apply brain-based, process-focused, outcome-driven methodologies and frameworks that empower individuals, teams, leaders, and organisations to drive positive change and maximise effectiveness.

  • Restorative Retreats

    I offer tailored programs, targeting individuals who feel near-burnout, as though they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders — a feeling experienced by most executives and business owners. I have created a private sanctuary where I follow a one-on-one approach to help individuals find rest and restoration. I combine my toolkit from the Enneagram, Integral and Results Methodologies, and various other modalities, plus my blue chip work experiences to help my clients move towards wellness and success.

  • Facilitation

    I am a skilled facilitator of teams, with a special interest in understanding team dynamics, and team cohesion as an outcome. My natural ability to build rapport and establish trust helps me to achieve breakthrough results.

  • Culture Architecture

    The culture, or climate of an institution — a place of work, home, school, etc. is palpable and must be treated like any other business KPI, with every day focused attention. I enjoy working with the Patrick Lencioni Model of Dysfunctional Teams although it is not the only model I use. I also apply my coaching toolkit extensively when working on culture.

  • Strategy Integration

    I have a particular interest in small businesses and startups, and their longevity. I combine my years of experience in blue chip companies to advise these enterprises on strategy. Moreover, I am highly skilled in driving vision into action, in other words, the cross-functional execution and benefit realisation of strategic programs.

Consulting & Advisory for Corporates

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"She helped me gain clarity where I was going in both my professional & personal life. "

  • Sandra de Abreu
    Business Owner - Kumon

    When I had my first coaching session with Sherell, I did not know what to expect …. What I received was more than I expected.
    She helped me with gaining clarity about what I wanted and where I was going in both my professional and personal life. She held me accountable for my goals and made me realize that true growth does not come from living in your comfort zone but rather by pursuing goals that scare you. Thank you, Sherell, for challenging me to be better.

"I really enjoyed working with Sherell and got a lot of value from our sessions."

  • Ronel van der Walt
    CEO - Legadima Human Capital

    She is organised, professional, and is able to empathise because of her unique life experiences.
    It’s not always easy, there will be introspection and homework, but Sherell was supportive through the process.

    I have seen a lot of personal growth since we started working together. She helped me find the strength to make the changes I needed to make for myself.

    I can confidently recommend Sherell as a life coach. She has added tremendous value to who I am today.

"Coaching with Sherell created fundamental shifts for me personally and professionally."

  • Kgabo Hlaisi
    HR Manager - SEF

    I became self aware and self reliant. Being a perfectionist, I learned that I can’t excel in everything but can master what I am good at. This assisted me to not to focus that much on my weakness which helped me to embrace my weakness and excel in my strengths. Sherell helped me discover what was holding me back and motivated me to develop lasting strategies for moving forward.

She has helped me develop as an executive over a group of companies..."

  • Tasha Bezuidenhout
    Head of Legal (LLB)

    I would highly recommend and endorse Sherell (Move To Be More) for any individual looking to grow or wanting to invest in themselves and their needs. Sherell is passionate, dynamic and invested in the growth and happiness of her clients. I have grown leaps and bounds professionally and personally. She has helped me develop as an executive over a group of companies and developed me personally to be more self-aware of my needs and happiness. Sherell materially impacted my life in so many ways and I will forever be grateful to her.

"My journey with Sherell is something I would hold near my heart forever."

  • Mine du Toit

    Together we walked through my past and worked through my thoughts and fears which helped me now to walk through life with such confidence and boldness. She created such a calm environment and with her sincere voice I always felt at ease and at home. Something she said that I will never forget is that offence is always taken, never given.